Monday, May 09, 2005

single malt whisky - a wee dram to help fight cancer

apart from wine and soft fruits, scientists have discovered that a wee dram of single malt whisky can help fight cancer.
delegates at a biochemistry conference in glasgow, scotland over the weekend were told that whisky offered "even greater health benefits".
much has been said about the health benefits of antioxidants in red wine but recent research show there are greater health benefits to people who drink single malt whiskies.
something like our favourite glenfiddich single malt 18 years old that is faintly sweet yet elegant, with a scent of wood - quite robust and well-bodied yet soft and lingering on the palate.
anyway, back to the benefits of single malt whisky.
why? well, single malt whiskies have more ellagic acid than red wine.
ellagic acid, found mainly in soft fruits, absorb rogue cells in the body, scientists say.
but they also point out that excessive drinking coupled with smoking can lead to cancers. still, it is nice to say that a tot a day can keep cancer away.

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